Open Source for the college library – a free seminar
By PTFS-Europe
5th September 2013 | Events
PTFS Europe support and promote a range of “best of breed” open source software products for libraries. Together with North Warwickshire and Hinckley College we are holding a seminar primarily for library managers and systems librarians from Further Education colleges. This is a “free” event to showcase the full spectrum of the open source systems supported by PTFS Europe and how they operate either standalone or as a fully integrated solution. The systems to be demonstrated allow for the management, discovery and distribution of electronic, print and digital resources. The event is being hosted by North Warwickshire and Hinckley College at their Nuneaton Campus, which is easily accessible by train or by car.
Open source software is developed in collaboration, with librarians from around the world driving systems forward, controlling development and ensuring software continues to meet the ever changing demands of technology and end user expectations.
Together or separately the systems to be demonstrated will help libraries to meet their educational objectives as they were without exception designed to encourage users to interact with and explore valuable library resources.
Open Source software is now well established and is regularly the preferred choice for those libraries wishing to migrate to a new system.
The seminar will feature:
Koha – The leading Open Source library management system, completely web-based for both staff and end users. Core modules comprise: acquisitions with EDI, circulation, cataloguing, serials control, inter-library loans and reporting. The Koha OPAC is highly configurable allowing libraries to brand and define the level and complexity of searching. Support for Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 with tagging, commenting, public and private lists are just some elements of the system.
VuFind – is a resource discovery system used to provide a single point of access to a wide range of information resources. It is able to harvest data from your library catalogue, digital archives and institutional repositories that users are then able to search with a single search returning clearly defined results from the combined resources.
Rebus:list – Reading list management software based on a comprehensive review of the current systems, Rebus:list has been developed to offer a significant advance in the effective management of the entire workflow involved in the delivery and presentation of resource lists.
CUFTS – provides libraries with the ability to manage Electronic Resources together with an integrated journal A-Z database and a link resolver for your library.
WordPress for libraries – is a leading content management system, able to provide a library’s entire web presence.
Where and When:
North Warwickshire and Hinckley College
Nuneaton Campus
Hinckley Road
CV11 6BH
15th November from 10.00 – 15.30
Nuneaton is at a rail crossroads with excellent communication from all parts of the Midlands. The college is only a short drive from the M6. For those travelling by train a shuttle taxi service will operate between Nuneaton station and the college. Car parking is available.
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