Free lunchtime 30 minute webinars on Koha LMS and Aspen Discovery


By PTFS-Europe

8th January 2024 |

Curious about what open source solutions can do for your library service?

Please join us for our webinars. These are 30 minutes long and aimed to fit into your busy schedule. They will cover a range of topics within Koha LMS and Aspen discovery – which are both open source library solutions we support and host.

The webinars will be hosted on Zoom and we will be recording and sending them out to registered attendees.

Please note there are 3 different series! Please scan down the page to find more.

Quarterly Focus Webinars

These short webinars are scheduled 4 times a year again over a lunchtime 12:30 – 1pm, commencing 7th February 2024. The webinars will be hosted on Zoom and we will be recording and sending them out to registered attendees.

Register for an individual webinar or the entire series on Eventbrite.

The topics are planned on the following dates but may be subject to change


 (12:30 – 1pm)


What it will cover and why you might find it useful

07/02/24 What to expect: open-source and the development community An introduction to broader themes of what makes open source different to proprietary software, in this webinar you will learn about how developments and enhancements happen in both Koha and Aspen.
08/05/24 What to expect: implementation Exploring how implementations are planned and managed for hosted and supported open source solutions.
14/08/24 Exploring Koha An overview of what makes Koha a great choice for LMS whatever the size and complexity of your service.
06/11/24 Exploring Aspen An overview of  how Aspen enhances service and user experience.

Koha LMS Monthly Webinars

These short webinars are scheduled the 2nd Thursday of each month at 12:30 – 1pm, commencing 11th January 2024. The webinars will be hosted on Zoom and we will be recording and sending them out to registered attendees.

Register for an individual webinar or the entire series on Eventbrite.


 (12:30 – 1pm)


What it will cover and why you might find it useful

11/01/24 Staff interface overview We will take a look at the layout, navigation, menu options and key features and see examples of common tasks whilst demonstrating the intuitive and customisable interface view for staff.
08/02/24 OPAC Exploring the powerful search and user account features of the Koha OPAC as well as seeing how it can be customised to reflect the identity of the service
14/03/24 Cataloguing & acquisitions  An introduction to these core modules. We will explore how catalogue and acquisitions combined with EDI can smooth the process from ordering to shelf
11/04/24 Circulation overview A quick tour of the Koha circulation module to show how simple and intuitive everyday transactions like registering a patron, checking out items and placing reservations can be when using Koha
09/05/24 Administration overview Every library is different. In this session we will look at the configuration policies that can be changed by library staff with relevant permissions to cover the needs of your service and users
13/06/24 ERM Koha’s e-Resources Management (ERM) module aims to simplify the management of electronic collections. We will look at how Koha can handle the storage of licenses, agreements and e-holdings packages along with providing usage statistics
11/07/24 Implementing Koha in your library We understand that changing your Library Management System can be an overwhelming prospect. Join us to learn what to expect from a PTFS Europe carefully managed implementation project. We will cover infrastructure, security reassurances and best practices regarding data migration and training
08/08/24 ILL Koha’s inter-library lending module (ILL) allows you to request items from partner libraries as well as the British Library using the real-time API and integrates fully into other lending services such as Rapido. Join us to find out how to stretch your budgets with Koha’s easy ILL integrations. Please note this will be RECORDED and not live.
12/09/24 Integrating third party products One key benefit of Koha being open-source is its flexibility to integrate with third party applications, making your service of maximum value to users and saving staff time. In this session we will provide examples of the varied and useful integrations our customers value
10/10/24 Koha reporting Management information and the ability to provide this data quickly is critical to libraries. We will look at the extensive reporting capabilities of Koha, demonstrate the range of reports available, ways to create customised reports and give some examples of the most frequently used reports
14/11/24 Staff interface overview We will take a look at the layout, navigation, menu options and key features and see examples of common tasks whilst demonstrating the intuitive and customisable interface view for staff.
12/12/24 OPAC Exploring the powerful search and user account features of the Koha OPAC as well as seeing how it can be customised to reflect the identity of the service


Aspen Discovery Monthly webinars

These short webinars are scheduled the 3rd Monday of each month at 12:30 – 1pm, commencing 15th January 2024. The webinars will be hosted on Zoom and we will be recording and sending them out to registered attendees.

Register for an individual webinar or the entire series on Eventbrite.

The topics are planned on the following dates but may be subject to change



 (12:30 – 1pm)


What it will cover and why you might find it useful

15/01/24 User experience Take a tour of the Aspen Discovery platform highlighting some of the extended functionality this system can offer your library service. We will look at the searching tools and showcase Aspen’s excellent signposting which enhances the user experience.
19/02/24 Digital marketing & promotion In this session we will look at the different ways Aspen helps to promote your library and its collections. From the use of placards and collection spotlights, to using Aspen as the library website. 
18/03/24 Patron account functionality Aspen provides the library patron with all the account functionality you would expect and a lot more such as saved search, lists and other personalisations. Join us for this tour that ranges across checkouts to the digital library card, linked accounts, recommendations and lists.
15/04/24 Customisation options One of the goals of Aspen is to “empower library administrators to customise and expand their service portal”. We will provide an overview of the Aspen administration area and showcase how easy it is to make changes to the theme so that your Aspen is always up to date, fresh and welcoming.
20/05/24 Aspen Administration Following on from our customisation webinar, this session explores some of the other configuration areas such as setting up of curated lists, placards and using the Aspen Web Builder functionality.
17/06/24 Accessibility and usability Aspen Discovery helps library patrons find what they are looking for and discover new and related material. It is therefore essential that this experience is accessible to all. In this webinar we explore the accessibility and customisation features that Aspen offers.
15/07/24 LiDA mobile app A walkthrough of the free Aspen mobile app available for Apple and Android. 
19/08/24 Implementing Aspen Join us to learn about how we work with you to implement the Aspen Discovery platform in your library. We will talk to you about what to expect from the project and how we integrate extensive workshop training with configuration of your Aspen.
16/09/24 User Experience Take a tour of the Aspen Discovery platform highlighting some of the extended functionality this system can offer your library service. We will look at the searching tools and showcase Aspen’s excellent signposting which enhances the user experience.
21/10/24 Digital marketing & promotion In this session we will look at the different ways Aspen helps to promote your library and its collections. From the use of placards and collection spotlights, to using Aspen as the library website. 
18/11/24 Patron account functionality Aspen provides the library patron with all the account functionality you would expect and a lot more such as saved search, lists and other personalisations. Join us for this tour that ranges across checkouts to the digital library card, linked accounts, recommendations and lists.
16/12/24 LiDA mobile app A walkthrough of the free Aspen mobile app available for Apple and Android.



Open Discussion: September Spruce up your Catalogue


Free lunchtime 30 minute webinars on Koha LMS and Aspen Discovery

virtual meeting

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