Customer Day 2022 Videos

8th December 2022 | PTFS-Europe

You can now view full videos of our 2022 Customer Day, check them out– a lot of good stuff in these clips! They’re listed here in chronological order so you can feel like you were really there if you missed it– or relive the magic if you did attend.

  1. Company Update

2. Koha and Privacy

3. NCG’s experience with Koha

4. Koha’s new staff UI

5. Getting Involved in the Koha Community

6. Keynote: Make Things Open it Makes Them Better

7. Koha ERM

8. Our Rebrand

9. Newcastle City Libraries Aspen

10. Highlights of Kohacon22

11. 22.11 Koha Update




Thanks again to everyone who attended and to all our lovely guest speakers. We had a wonderful time and hope you did too! If you’re hungry for more customer day content, check out David Rowe’s guest blog post here.

You can also see all the customer day videos and so much more on our YouTube Channel.


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