Christmas Themes on Koha!
19th December 2022 | PTFS-Europe
As Christmas is fast approaching there’s no better time to remind all Koha users that they’re able to add custom themes, styles and code to their OPAC to celebrate the occasion! Why not add some Christmas lights to your page, or maybe even a countdown to Christmas?
Your staff client offers two system preferences: OPACUserJS and OPACUserCSS. By adding code in to these two sections, you can inject it directly into your OPAC for your users to enjoy. Its as simple as that! Here’s a basic example to get you started:
In the OPACUserCSS field, copy and paste the following:
body { background-color: #0F8A5F; }
Save your changes, refresh your OPAC and you should now see a Christmas tree green background. The options to customise extend far beyond just colour changes though as you can add some Javascript in to get some much more interactive content.
For those of you who aren’t so familiar with code and are wondering where to start, we at PTFS Europe have made a few examples that can simply be copied and pasted, and in some cases customised to suit your needs! Visit to view some of the possibilities. Just copy the content of the .js files into the OPACUserJS and the .css files into the OPACUserCSS, hit save and Koha will do the rest.
If you have any questions or want suggestions on where to look for CSS tips and tricks then feel free to get in touch – you can raise a ticket on the support system and one of our team will lend a hand as soon as they can.
In the meantime, have a very merry Christmas!